Small C | Small C compiler written by J. E. Hendrix. C source code included. | Examples for book. |
SDCC | SDCC is a Freeware, retargettable, optimizing ANSI - C compiler that targets the Intel 8051, Maxim 80DS390 and the Zilog Z80 based MCUs. Work is in progress on supporting the Motorola 68HC08 as well as Microchip PIC16 and PIC18 series. The entire source code for the compiler is distributed under GPL. |
For small devices. |
nesC | nesC (pronounced "NES-see") is an extension to the C programming language designed to embody the structuring concepts and execution model of TinyOS. TinyOS is an event-driven operating system designed for sensor network nodes that have very limited resources (e.g., 8K bytes of program memory, 512 bytes of RAM). |
For TinyOS. |
tack | A complete compiler toolchain that will cross-compile ANSI C, K&R C, Pascal, Modula-2, Occam, Fortran and Basic for any or all of: 6500, 6800, 6805, 6809, ARM, i86, i386, i80, Z80, Z8000, 68000, 68020, 68040, Sparc, NS16032, Vax and PDP 11. |
tinyCC | Tiny C compiler, programmed in C with compiler/linker/assembler included. VERY fast and mainly usable as a library. WIN32 port of the version. Compiles code to memory currently, perhaps disk soon. Go to the homepage for more info. |
Compiles code to meemory. |
DJGPP | THE free compiler for c, c++, forth, pascal and more including C sources. | Many lines of code. |